Click on the above link to read the whole story. Do it now – because the rest of this post won’t make any sense if you don’t know what I’m talking about, and because it’s a potential lifechanger.
I’ve fallen into that trap countless times. Something has always stood in the way…
- In photography: the weather was not right. I didn’t have atelier access. I was out of film. A model was too busy. I wasn’t in a creative mood.
- In programming: seems that I never had the right development platform. I’ve been using Windows for the last two years to simplify things, and Windows isn’t programmer-friendly. I didn’t have a laptop, so I couldn’t work in a cafe. I didn’t have enough RAM to run that virtual machine. A JTAG adapter was broken and I didn’t have time to fix it.
- In blogging: I could simply never decide which platform to use. Self-hosted, or a service? WordPress or Tumblr? Photos or words? Private or public? Photography or electronics?
This list could go on and on, but I’m not here to bore the reader. Things went this way for years… then, one day, something happened. I can’t pinpoint the exact moment, but some day I realized I’m actually overcoming all the obstacles instead of creating them. One day, something clicked.
I’m writing this sitting in a crammed kitchen. I’m in the process of renovating my studio and most of my life takes place in the kitchen – so there’s a huge PC workstation taking most of the table, stacks of vinyl LPs and a turntable on the counters, stacks of papers on the windowsill, a guitar in the corner and various boxes containing electronics everywhere around. I even had a TV and an old Amiga A1200 computer on the floor for a few days.
Does this lack of space prevent me from doing my work?
An important part of an artist’s awakening is realizing that living isn’t about creating a perfect world where you can go along with the flow freely. Life is about going forward despite and against the odds and the (sometimes harsh) reality.