
My house looks like a junkie meeting place right now – except that instead of needles and syringes there are empty cups everywhere. I did my first real studio shoot today; a friend came by and we spent the evening tuning the lighting, trying out the poses, exchanging ideas, talking about life and drinking coffee. Lots of coffee. Mix the excitement of creation with the power of caffeine and I’m feeling like a little bouncy spring right now.

The idea to build a studio in my room was born in a flash when I was terminally bored a few weeks ago and I resolved to do something crazy before the boredom actually puts me in a coma. At that moment I knew what I was going to do – and before the end of the day I ordered a white background and wall brackets.

The results are exceeding my bravest expectations. I didn’t even attach the background to the wall yet and I already got three shoots arranged for the upcoming week. Turns out I’m gonna have to borrow my friend’s professional lighting set as the IKEA lamps don’t quite cut it when it comes to color balance. Besides that, though, I’m amazed how little one actually needs to find the much needed inspiration and the space for making the ideas spring to life.

Then there’s also the story of two desks – but that’s for another time.